We all need a space where we can relax and unwind; a spot where you feel at peace and undisturbed. It’s easier than you think to create this in the comfort of our own home, meaning that if you don’t have the time to retreat to a country spa, you still have somewhere to turn to whenever you wish to escape. Your dedicated place can be anywhere you choose within the home, so long as you make it easy to access, free from chaos and surrounded with things that allow you to focus on yourself. Here are some helpful tips to help you create your own self-care sanctuary: Making Space Once you have carefully selected your space, ensure that...
The new year has left many of us feeling inspired to change or update areas of our life, and this extends to our home. Whilst it may be tempting to give your space an entire makeover, keep budget in mind and make simple amends to your home to give it a welcoming refresh – you’ll thank yourself later, especially if saving is one of your new years’ resolutions! Update an item of furniture Just one piece of furniture can dictate the style and mood of a room, so if you’re making an update, choose a statement piece which does all the work for you. Choose a style with a bold design, colour or texture for optimum impact. Create a feature...
We want to help you stick to your new years resolutions for longer than 2 weeks! The secret is choosing something that is easy to stick to and that will improve you mental wellbeing. Here are some of our suggestions... Limit your time on social media So much of our time is consumed on social media and comparing our lives to others, or experiencing FOMO (Fear of missing out!). Take some time for yourself and stop worrying about what others think! Take a look at how much time you spend browsing social media and try to cut it down by half. Go to bed earlier Stock up on your sleep and spend time resting and revitalising. No one can perform...
We've been trying out some new latte recipes and we just love this one. Made with vanilla beans and lavender buds this recipe offers a relaxing yet tasty start or end to any part of the day.
More and more people are starting to dabble in crafting, and who wouldn't when it gives you a wealth of benefits whilst you're at it? Not only do you feel a great sense of achievement for making something yourself, but it also gives you a chance to take some time out to gather your thoughts and discover a new skill.